Ecology: A Return to Our Roots

Ecology: A Return to Our Roots

Between modern ecology and our ancestral wisdom, the ecological revolution of the 21st century might well be a call to rediscover the universal connection between humanity and the natural world, an invitation to reconnect with our roots for a future marked by respect...
Embracing Grief

Embracing Grief

A few weeks ago, I found a squirrel lying injured and vulnerable in the middle of the forest road, probably the victim of a car collision. The fear in his half-closed eyes deeply touched me. Slowly, I wrapped this trembling little being in my scarf, bringing him home...
Beyond neo-shamanism

Beyond neo-shamanism

“Every traditional culture originates from the deep bond that exists between a territory and its inhabitants. It is the land that people inhabit that has shaped, informed, and inspired them, whispering the language they speak – sounds and words specific to...
O scapegoat, dream of our ancestors

O scapegoat, dream of our ancestors

Here’s a translation by the famous Bert Hellinger in which I’ve deliberately replaced the expression “black sheep” with “scapegoat.” I’m convinced that this expression was devoid of any racist connotations on the part of the...
Cultivating Diversity

Cultivating Diversity

Ancestral Healing as a remedy to cultural globalisation and appropriation. Reviving and preserving our old traditions and the beauty of our human diversity can be challenging in a globalised materialistic and consumer society. And yet, bringing back to life our...
Honouring our dead, transforming our lives

Honouring our dead, transforming our lives

Ancestors are the dead people of our bloodlines whose souls are not currently incarnated in a physical body. Does this creep you out or excite you? You don’t need to be a psychic to build a relationship with your ancestors. In fact, mediumship or intuitive perception...