Relating with the living world

reawakening the wisdom of the Earth within us
Book a session

Unearthing the wisdom of your roots

Our distant ancestors nurtured an intimate, unbroken relationship with all of life. They knew they were an integral part of the natural world, with the responsibilities that implies. Reconnecting with our roots also means reconnecting with the wisdom of our more-than-human ancestors, the wisdom of places, and the Earth itself.

Through this animistic vision, I support you individually and in group settings to explore these relationships, in the hope of re-membering, together, our true human essence and our place in the web of Life.

Explore with your senses

Initial session (1h30) – 70€

Let’s meet to take stock of the relationships and affinities you already have with the natural world. We’ll determine where, in your roots, you can draw further wisdom. Sessions by visio or phone

Follow-up session (1h) – 60€

Tap into the wisdom of your human and more than human lineages to find out how to deepen your relationship with the living world. You’ll meet your ancestors (human and beyond). Sessions by visio or phone

Workshops (online or in person)

Let’s explore our connection to Life as a group and inspire one another. Held online or in person, these workshops aim to rekindle the wisdom of the Earth within us, while cultivating our human connections. See upcoming events.

what to expect

I offer support tailored to your worldview and practices. Together, we assess your needs and find ways to deepen your relationship with your senses and the natural world. This work extends beyond sessions – you’ll be encouraged to explore creatively at your own pace, drawing inspiration from what resonates with you and connects you to the earth. This may involve rituals, immersions in nature, drawing, writing, poetry, movement, singing, music, and more.

Falling in love with the world again

The relationship with the living world, upheld by traditional cultures worldwide despite the impact of colonization, resonates within us like a melancholic echo of the voices and practices of our distant ancestors. Many of us turn to indigenous wisdom, including our own, in search of those lost connections we all need.

Reclaiming an animist worldview and its relational values is crucial for a radical shift in human behavior amidst the societal and ecological crises we face. These values, dormant within each of us and rooted in the wisdom of our ancient past, surpass any technological innovation.

Only through reconnecting with the natural world – embracing its magic, love, and empathy – can we naturally re-embrace caring, respectful, and life-sustaining attitudes. The animist vision itself holds the key to restoring balance on Earth.

«Our roots are anchored in the land, and the land is our greatest teacher. We need to put our roots down deeply again into this ancient earth, and find our sense of the sacred once more.» ∼ Kate Croft